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25 Reviews on “Saenggi On 생기”

  • Alice Jeon
    10 months ago

    All my korean friends are regular here. I like to go every week as I feel like this is a regular exercise for my skin.

  • Julianne Lee
    1 year ago

    (I tried the promo once and bought the package right away! I’ve been there about 4 times now, and it’s so nice that each time I go, they adjust the treatment according to my skin condition! It’s especially refreshing to relax your shoulders! I feel like I am healing every time I come to life.)

    프로모 한번 해보고 바로 패키지 끊었습니다! 현재 4회차 정도 다녔는데 갈때마다 알아서 피부컨디션에 맞춰서 해주시는게 너무 좋아요 ㅠㅠ! 특히 어깨 풀어주시는게 너무 너무 시원합니다 ! 매달 생기 갈때마다 힐링하고 오는 느낌이네요
    The best Korean aesthetic, massage you can get in singapore!! Highly recommend 🙂

  • 임영숙
    1 year ago

    (I can feel my face wrinkled due to the strong sunlight and dryness of Singapore becoming full of moisture after receiving a massage. I am always grateful to Dr. Saenggi, who makes the fatigue in my shoulders and neck disappear!!!!)

    싱가포르의 강한 햇볕과 건조함으로주름진 얼굴이 마사지받은후 수분감가득으로 변하는것을 느낄수 있어요.. 뭉쳤던 어깨와 목의 피로도 싸악~ 사라지게 해주시는 우리 생기원장님 늘 감사드려요!!!!

  • Faith Teo
    2 years ago

    I tried their first trial promotion and saw results after the session which is why I decided to sign up package with them. Hailey genuinely helps me with my acne concerns and my skin started getting better and showing results after a few treatments. Massage is also comfortable and relaxing which alleviates my stiff body.

  • Hailey Kwon
    2 years ago

    (After trying skin care a few times in Singapore, I have completely settled on this place. First of all, it’s clean, professional, and everyone there is friendly.

    Not only the meridians but also the skin care is very thorough. I tend to just leave it up to them and take care of it, but even if I don’t ask anything, the teacher explains everything on his own and gives me all notices and explanations in advance, such as that it will sting/may be painful/uncomfortable.

    It soothes not only my face, but also the tightness of my shoulders, neck, etc., so I always get a good night’s sleep after coming here. 🙂

    I’ve heard a lot of people say that their complexion and complexion have improved after attending!)

    싱가폴에서 피부관리 몇번 시도해보다가 완전 정착한 곳입니다. 일단 깨끗하고, 전문적이고, 계시는 분들 전부 다 친절하세요.

    경락 뿐만 아니라 피부관리도 엄청 꼼꼼하게 잘 해주십니다. 저는 그냥 해주시는 대로 맡기고 관리 받는 편인데, 아무것도 묻지 않아도 선생님께서 알아서 다 설명해주시며 따끔할거다/아플 수 있다/불편할 수 있다 등 사전에 고지 및 설명 다 해주세요.

    얼굴 뿐만 아니라 어깨, 목 등 뭉친곳도 완전 시원하게 풀어주셔서 항상 다녀오고 나면 꿀잠잡니다. 🙂

    다니고 나서 얼굴빛이라던지 피부결 좋아졌다는 이야기도 많이들었습니다!

  • HW Muis
    2 years ago

    I have always been sceptical about getting a facial. Based on my previous experiences in Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore, I was not satisfied and encountered several issues that made me stay away from any facials.

    Most of the facial clinics had a strong sales approach, which I disliked, and even after paying a significant amount of money, the results were not impressive. To cut a long story short, after the long and boring pandemic period, I decided to invest a bit more in myself and get a facial again. Although I didn’t have high hopes, I simply wanted to clean my pores and enjoy some nice massages around my head and neck area to maintain my skin condition in this harsh weather. After spending a considerable amount of time researching, I came across Saenggi On 생기, a Korean beauty salon specialising in meridian massage.

    The reviews were mostly positive, but I thought some of them were overly extravagant and unrealistic. Nevertheless, I decided to give it a try, and the trial session left me quite satisfied.

    It was a combination of meridian massage, Gua sha, and physiotherapy techniques applied to my face, head, and neck, and it felt incredibly good (with a hint of pain). So, I continued with more sessions.

    I’ve lost count of how many sessions I’ve had, but I estimate it’s been around 20 so far.

    Here are my genuine and completely honest results:

    1. My skin feels much tighter than before, and I no longer have that saggy feeling, which I’m 100% sure of.

    2. My biggest concern, the imbalance in my face, has significantly improved, and now it’s almost symmetrical.

    3. My face appears smaller than before.

    4. My therapist, Esther, managed to alleviate my hidden inch from my neck.

    5. The chronic pain in my neck has greatly reduced.

    I initially didn’t want to write a review about this salon because I didn’t want to share this hidden gem, haha.

  • Sofia WY BAEK
    2 years ago

    The best Facial massage shop in Singapore

  • So Yeon Kim
    2 years ago

    Beautiful and healthy skin represents a lot – inner health, outer beauty, your lifestyle etc. Saenggi which provides Korean meridian (Gyung Lak) facial massage is essential for me to maintain and improve not just my look, but my energy. I appreciate the Korean lady boss’ deep understanding of women’s body, experience and skills to apply that to individual clients.

    Highly recommended.

  • Diana
    2 years ago

    I came here for the first trial promotion (v-shape) and now I am one of their regulars. They are really professional and genuinely care about my skin. They exactly know what my skin would need in the long term. Feel lucky to find this place for my wedding prep!

  • 김예슬
    2 years ago

    (I have always been to the director consistently for three years.

    You took care of even my shortcomings, so much so that now people around me ask me what I did! I don’t think I can go anywhere else but here ☺️ 100% returning visit)

    항상 원장님께 3년동안 꾸준히 다녔습니다

    제 단점 까지 케어해주셔서 지금은 주변에서 뭐했냐고 물어볼정도에요 ! 여기말고 이제 다른곳은 못갈꺼같아요 ☺️재방문 100%

  • J H
    2 years ago

    (I tried it once and liked it so much that I bought the package! Because it relaxes the inner muscles, it feels different than when you only get regular skin care!)

    1회 체험하고 좋아서 패키지 구매했어요! 속 근육을 풀어주는거라 일반 피부관리만 받았을때랑은 느낌이 달라요!

  • 최은혜
    2 years ago

    (I’ve never had a meridian massage before, so it hurts when I get it, but my face feels smaller and my blood vessels are opened… I even take care of my skin, so my skin is glowing these days.

    I am satisfied with the results after receiving it consistently for two months💖)

    경락을 안받아봐서 받을때는 아푸지만 얼굴도 작아지고 혈도 뚫리는 느낌..피부관리까지 해주니깐 요즘 피부에 광이납니다

    꾸준히 두달동안 받아본결과 만족합니다💖

  • Rc Kk (Kk)
    2 years ago

    (Your complexion will brighten in just one magical hour. I tried several places before purchasing the package, but there was no place that worked. If you experience it, you will know why it is alive.)

    마법같은 한 시간으로 안색이 환해집니다. 팩키지 구매 전에 여러곳 시도 해봤지만 생기만한 곳이 없었어요. 왜 생기인지 체험 해보시면 압니다.

  • Jane Kwon
    2 years ago

    (Due to the director’s long experience, he thoroughly relaxed each muscle, so there was no place that was more effective in contour management than here. You can receive specialized care that suits you, and that’s why you can feel a difference after just one treatment. Thanks to the director who taught me about my lifestyle habits, I am slowly changing. Thank you~~~👍🏻)

    원장님의 오랜 경력으로 근육을 하나하나 꼼꼼하게 풀어주셔서 윤곽 관리로는 여기보다 효과 좋았던 곳은 없었습니다. 본인에게 맞는 케어를 전문적으로 받아 볼 수 있고 그래서 그런지 한 번만 받아도 달라짐이 느껴져요~생활 습관에 대해서도 알려주시고 원장님 덕분에 천천히 변화하고 있어요. 감사해요~~~👍🏻

  • hyemin han
    2 years ago

    (Originally, I quit the package to get accepted to V-Line. He also takes care of my skin from time to time, but one day, without asking, he told me I had a lot of sebum on my chin and pushed it hard to extrude it. I was worried because it was too strong, but since I was an expert, I left half confident that it would be okay. After that, an infection occurred due to the extrusion, and the discharge and acne on my chin did not stop for three weeks, so I went to Korea and received injections, oral antibiotics, and laser treatment, and the inflammation subsided. I also received a medical certificate. However, I am still very stressed as the scar on my chin caused by the infection for 3 weeks is still severe. I plan to get laser treatment whenever I go to Korea. As the skin continues to deteriorate, it is difficult to erase even small wounds and they are hard to see. I only received a refund for the remaining amount, but my personal expenses will be even higher if I undergo treatment in many ways. I’m so upset.)

    원래는 브이라인 경락받으려고 패키기 끊었어요. 중간중간 피부관리도 해주시는데 어느날 여쭤보지 않으시고 턱피지가 많다며 압출한다고 쎄게 밀어주셨어요. 너무 쎄서 걱정되긴했으나 전문가니까 괜찮겠지 반신반의 걱정하며 나왔습니다. 그 이후 압출로 인한 감염일어나 삼주간 턱에서 진물 및 여드름이 멈추지 않아서 한국가서 주사, 먹는 항생제, 레이저 다 받고 염증이 가라앉았어요. 진단서도 받아왔습니다.. 그래도 3주간 감염으로 인해 생긴 턱흉터가 아직심해서 스트레스가 심하네요.. 틈틈이 한국갈때마다 레이저 받을 예정입니다. 안그래도 점점 피부 회복이 안되서 작은 상처도 지우기 힘든데 너무 보기 힘들어요. 남은 금액만 환불 받았는데 여러모로 치료까지 하면 개인비용이 더 들예정이네요ㅠ속상해요 너무

  • Lina Lee
    2 years ago

    Best massage ever!

    Been with saenggi awhile now and it is by far best decision I made in singapore! I’ve always suffered with migraine, I visited several massage shop and never worked. But after saenggi, it’s completely gone! It’s not only about machine, she knows which part needs to be fixed and get it fixed. My face is no longer swelling, I don’t have stiff neck (but I’ve got slim neck now). My skin is a lot smoother too. Highly recommend!

  • Rlatjs1 Vlog
    2 years ago

    After 1st trial with them..! I immediately signed up for membership even before they asking me to do so. And I recommended to my friend to try also. She also immediately moved her beauty shop to here from another place.

    It’s been more than one year with them. My friend and I really love this place ! This is the best beauty shop in singapore.

    PS. They are best for all the treatments

  • Leia H
    2 years ago

    I have my regular facial with facial bone massage with Esther. Esther is always polite and helpful with my skin condition. Beauty products she recommended from Korea is also of good quality.

  • Jang Chae Rin Stacey
    3 years ago

    This is the authentic Korean facial spa place.

    I have tried numbers of korean spas around, but never satisfied. And now I have found one.

    It is very hard to make an appointment here, they are FULLY BOOKED until January now, since this place is getting more and more popular among korean ladies.

    If you like the REAL korean style, facial massage, and facial with machines, it is the right place for you.

  • Rose Kim
    3 years ago

    started to get the treatment from here since covid19 outbreak as I got maskne and noticed that my skin got a lot better after taking the treatment from here. Highly recommend!

  • HyeYeon Claire Kim
    3 years ago

    (I canceled the package the first day I tried it. I like massages, so I’ve been to a lot of them, but I’ve never been to a place that understands your body as well as it does and provides relief. Also, a skin problem suddenly appeared and did not subside, but after just one treatment here, it improved noticeably.)

    처음 트라이얼 해본 날 바로 패키지를 끊었음. 마사지 좋아해서 많이 다녀봤는데 여기만큼 몸에 대해서 잘 파악해서 시원하게 잘 풀어주는데는 없었음. 그리고 피부에 갑자기 트러블이 올라와서 가라앉지 않았는데 여기서 한번만 관리받아도 눈에띄게 좋아짐.

  • 소소sohsoh
    3 years ago

    (It’s a clean place that leaves your head, shoulders, and face feeling so refreshed. The teachers are very kind, helping you identify problems and suggest solutions, and working with you to focus on the areas you’re concerned about to achieve the results you want. The water drop massage that lifts up saggy and inelastic skin is a new world. Best Korean massage in Singapore.)

    깨끗하고 머리 어깨 얼굴이 너무나 시원해지는곳, 넘나 친절한 쌤들이 문제파악 및 해결점 제시해주시고, 고민되는부분들을 집중적으로 함께 원하는 결과를 위해 고민해주시는데 넘나 금손들이심. 처지고 탄력이 떨어진 피부를 쫙 끌어올려주는 물방울 마사지는 신세계. 싱가포르 최고의 한인 마사지.

  • Tara Yoon
    4 years ago

    Yearly Korea trip is my ritual for my skin and now I do not need to travel any more. Phenomenal experience and the visible changes with a single trial. Next day after the treatment is even more satisfactory. Love K-Beauty Saenggi’s skin solution/ treatment because it solves the root cause for a long-term benefit not only for the skin but also overall condition of the whole body. She is almost like a doctor and knows what to fix/ look into. Enjoy going there and this is now the most important ritual of the week for me.

  • Sieun Kim
    4 years ago

    When I moved to Singapore from Korea, I was looking for a facial massage place to take care of my skin. Tried some local massage clinics, but wasn’t satisfied fully. This K Beauty saenggi is the right facial massage place I was looking for! It’s as high quality as I got in Korea or better. Highly recommend this clinic if you want to take care of your skin the right way 🙂

  • Hye Park
    4 years ago

    I’ve been going to this clinic since the clinic was open. I got Hydrogen therapy and Kyungrak, Korean traditional massage. Combination of those two treatments gave me the best result. My face looks very bright and rejuvenated after the treatments. Two massage therapists, the owners (Christine and Esther) are well trained, experienced and very professionals. They know what they are doing and get me right treatments for my skin and face. I really recommend this clinic. I always get compliments from my family and friends after the treatments. I think that the treatments help to maintain my skin bright and tight. I am really satisfied the services that they provide and will continuously go there.

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